Jednou z kandidátek na uvolněný post zpěvačky je prý Lady Angellyca ze španělských FOREVER SLAVE. Alespoň to vyplývá z jejího prohlášení:
"I don't know how this news [reached] the fans or/and the rest of people. I thought that was a secret. But I have received hundred and hundred of mails. Besides I have seen how some mass media has published things about [this as well]!! I write this official notice because people have start[ed] to invent things about this. All of them ask if I [will] be the upcoming singer of NIGHTWISH. [The] respose [to this question] will have [to come from] the band NIGHTWISH. At the moment I only know that I'm one of possible girls who [are being considered for the singer position] in the band. At least that was what the manager of the band, E. Pohjola, told me. The final decision will be [made by NIGHTWISH] before their upcoming release, so there [is] a lot time to decide and think about the future of the band. I don't like to talk about this matter with mass media and people, because it's [something] which affects another band (NIGHTWISH) and other people. So I wait. [I hope] you understand that. Thanks."


Zveřejněno: Sobota, 31. prosince 2005

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