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Drake - Over + Cenzúra
Drake - Over + Cenzúra



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I know way too many people here right now
That I didn't know last year, who the f*ck are ya'll?
I swear it feels like the last few nights
We been everywhere and back
But I just cant remember it all

What am I doin'? What am I doin'?
Oh, yeah, that's right, Im doin' me
Im doin me
Im livin life right now, mayne

And this what Ima do til its over
Til its over
But its far from over..

(allright) Bottles on me, long as someone drink it
Never drop the ball, fuck are yall thinkin?
Makin sure the Young Money ship is never sinkin
Bout to set it off, in this b*tch, Jada Pinkett
I shouldn't have drove, tell me how Im gettin home
You too fine to be layin down in bed alone
I could teach you how to speak my language, Rosetta Stone
I swear this life is like the sweetest thing Ive ever known
Bout to go Thriller Mike Jackson on these niggas
All I needs a f*cking red jacket with some zippers
Super good smiddoke, a package of the swishers
I did it overnight, it couldnt happen any quicker
Yall know them? Well, f*ck it, me either
But point the biggest skeptic out, Ill make him a believer
It wouldnt be the first time I done it, throwin hundreds
When I should be throwin ones, b*tch, I run it (Ah)

I know way too many people here right now
That I didnt know last year, who the f*ck are yall?
I swear it feels like the last few nights
We been everywhere and back
But I just cant remember it all

What am I doin? What am I doin?
Oh, yeah, thats right, Im doin me
Im doin me
Im livin life right now, mayne
And this what Ima do til its over
Til its over
But its far from over

(Ah)One thing bout music, when it hits you feel no pain
And I swear I got that shit that make these b*tches go insane
So they tell me that they love me, I know better than that, its just game
Its just what comes with the fame, and Im ready for that, Im just sayin
But I really cant complain, everything is kosher
Two thumbs up, Ebert and Roeper
I really cant see the end getting any closer
But I probably still be the man when everything is over
So Im riding through the city with my high beams on
Can you see me? Can you see me? Get your Visine on
Ya'll just do not fit the picture, turn your widescreen on
If you thinkin Ima quit before I die, dream on
Man, they treat me like a legend, am I really this cold?
Im really too young to be feelin this old
Its about time you admit it, who you kiddin, man?
Man, nobodys never done it like I did it (Ugh)

I know way too many people here right now
That I didnt know last year, who the f*ck are yall?
I swear it feels like the last few nights
We been everywhere and back
But I just cant remember it all

What am I doin? What am I doin?
Oh, yeah, thats right, Im doin me
Im doin me
Im livin life right now, mayne

And this what Ima do til its over
Til its over
But its far from over

Yeah, thats right, Im doin me
Im doin me
Im livin life right now, mayne

And this what Ima do til its over
Til its over
But its far from over

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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk