Bob Dylan

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Bob Dylan

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Bob Dylan - Thunder On The Mountain
Bob Dylan - Thunder On The Mountain



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Poznámka: Modern Times (2006)

Pesničku videlo 1797 návštevníkov.

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  *** Autor textu: Bob Dylan © 2006 *** Autor hudby: Bob Dylan © 2006
Thunder on the mountain, fires on the moon
There's a ruckus in the alley and the sun will be here soon
Today's the day, gonna grab my trombone and blow
Well, there's hot stuff here and it's everywhere I go.

I was thinkin' 'bout Alicia Keys, couldn't keep from crying
When she was born in Hell's Kitchen, I was living down the line
I'm wondering where in the world Alicia Keys could be
I been lookin' for her even clear through Tennessee.

Feel like my soul is beginning to expand
Look into my heart and you will sort of understand
You brought me here, now you're trying to run me away
The writing on the wall, come read it, come see what it say.

Thunder on the mountain, rolling like a drum
Gonna sleep over there, that's where the music comin' from
I don't need any guide, I already know the way
Remember this, I'm your servant both night and day.

The pistols are poppin' and the power is down
I'd like to try somethin' but I'm so far from town
The sun keeps shinin' and the north wind keeps picking up speed
Gonna forget about myself for a while, gonna go out and see what others need.

I've been sitting down studyin' the art of love
I think it will fit me like a glove
I want some real good woman to do just what I say
Everybody got to wonder what's the matter with this cruel world today.

Thunder on the mountain rollin' to the ground
Gonna get up in the morning walk the hard road down
Some sweet day I'll stand beside my king
I wouldn't betray your love or any other thing.

Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitches
I'll recruit my army from the orphanages
I been to St. Herman's church, I've said my religious vows
I've sucked the milk out of a thousand cows.

I got the porkchops, she got the pie
She ain't no angel and neither am I
Shame on your greed, shame on your wicked schemes
I'll say this, I don't give a damn about your dreams.

Thunder on the mountain heavy as can be
Mean old twister bearin' down on me
All the ladies in Washington are scramblin' to get out of town
Looks like something bad gonna happen, better roll your airplane down.

Everybody going and I want to go too
Don't wanna take a chance with somebody new
I did all I could and I did it right there and then
I've already confessed, no need to confess again.

Gonna make a lot of money, gonna go up north
I'll plant and I'll harvest what the earth brings forth
The hammer's on the table, the pitchfork's on the shelf
For the love of God, you ought to take pity on yourself.

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