Bob Dylan


Bob Dylan - Don`t Think Twice, It`s Alright Bob Dylan - Don`t Think Twice, It`s Alright | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GIt ain't no use to Dsit and wonder Emwhy, babe
CIf you don't know by Gnow. D
GAnd it ain't no use to Dsit and wonder Emwhy, babe
A7It'll never do someDhow. D7
GWhen your rooster crows at the G7break of dawn
CLook out your window and A7I'll be gone
GYou're the Dreason I'm Emtravellin' Con
GDon't think Dtwice, it's alGright. D
GIt ain't no use in Dturnin' on your Emlight, babe
CA light I never Gknowed D
GIt ain't no use in Dturnin' on your Emlight, babe
A7I'm on the dark side of the Droad D7
GBut I wish there were something you would G7do or say
CTo try and make me change my A7mind and stay
GWe never Ddid too much Emtalkin' anyCway
GSo don't think Dtwice, it's alGright. D
GSo it ain't no use in Dcallin' out my Emname, gal
CLike you never done beGfore D
GIt ain't no use in Dcallin' out my Emname, gal
A7I can't hear you anyDmore D7
GI'm a-thinkin' and a-wonderin' walkingG7 down the road
CI once loved a woman, a A7child I am told
GI'd give her my Dheart but she Emwanted my Csoul
GBut don't think Dtwice, it's alGright. D
GSo long Dhoney Embabe
Cwhere I'm bound, I can't Gtell D
Ggoodbye is Dtoo good a Emword babe
A7so I'll just say fare the Dwell D7
GI ain't a sayin' you treated G7me unkind
Cyou coulda done better but, A7I don't mind
Gyou just Dkinda wasted Emmy precious Ctime
GDon't think Dtwice, it's all Gright D
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