Tenacious D - Im The Only Gay Eskimo Tenacious D - Im The Only Gay Eskimo | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
I'm the onDly gay eskimo,A I'm the onBmly one i knGow,
I'm the onDly gay eskimoA in my tBmribeG
I Dgo out seal hunting with my bAest friend Tarka,
But aBmll i wanna do is get inGto his parka
I'm the Donly gay eskimoA in my triBmbeG
Well, mDe and duck fluck chuck buck, we bAoth like flowers
But Bmme i've got this crazy yeaGmrning for rubber
I'm the oDnly gay eskAimo in my trBmibeG
ID make a wish on the nortAhern lights
that Bmi could find a decent pair of whaGleskin tights
I'm the onDly gay eskimAo in my trBmibe
And the seGals thay sing now
These cDold winter nights are taAking their toll
I evBmen get excited when I sGee the north pole
See the north pole
I'm the onDly gay eskimoA, I'm the onBmly one i knGow
I'm the oDnly gay eskimAo in my trBmibeG
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