Tenacious D - Belzeboss Tenacious D - Belzeboss | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Beelzeboss Chords by Tenacious D,
Hey you Acoustic Rockers out there!
This is the song Beelzeboss (the Final Showdown) from Tenacious D's new album. So far
only tabbed the acoustic parts, where Jables and Kage sing. Distortion (the devil's) parts
come soon! Enjoy this great song
First acoustic part (0:42)
(JB) BWaaait WaDaait WaaaF#it you mother-fuckerG
Gwe challenge yoDu to a rockA off,
(Both)GGive us one chDance to rock your sockAs off
Second acoustic part (1:24)
(JB) EIf we win,
Eyou must take your soAmi, Erry ass back to hell
Eand also you will haAmive to pFay ouCr rentG, A
(JB) Then Gyou can take Kag(strumie back on...to hell..
(KG) What!?
(JB) Trust me kage it's the only way
(KG) What the fuck are you talkin about?
(JB) To be ...)your little Cbitch
Third acoustic part (3:03)
Tenacious D:
(JB) NOOOO! c'mon Kage bring the thunder
(KG) There's just no Gmiway that we can win that was a Bmasterpeice
(JB) Listen to me-
(KG) He rocks to Dhard because he's not a mortal Gmiman
(JB) God dammit Kage,
he's gonna Gmimake you his sex slave,
your gonna gargle Mayonnaise
(KG) Noo
(JB) Unless we Dbust a massive monster mamaGmijam
(KG) Dude,
we've Gmibeen through so much shit
(JB) De-Esactivated lasers with my dick
(BOTH)BNow it's time to blow this fucker Ddown
(JB) Gmic'mon Kage now it's time to blow doors down
(KG) EsI hear you Jables now it's Btime to blow Fdoors down
(JB) GmiLight up the stage cuz its time for a showdown
(KG) EsWe'll bend you over then we'll Btake ya to Fbrown town
(BOTH)GmiNow we've got to blow this fucker down
(KG) EsHe's gonna rape me if we Bdo not blow Fdoors down
(JB) GmiC'mon Kage cuz it's time to blow doors down
(KG) EsOOOOOOh (?) It's Btime for the Fblack out
this is the part where the distorted guitar comes in, just play the power chords with a
of palm muting
(JB) Hey eduGmicationer, BeelzeDboss,
we know your Bweakness our rocket-Dsauce
we rock the Gmicassbaw, and blow your Dmind
we will deBfeat you, for all manDkind
you hold the Gmiscepter, we hold the Dkey
you are the Bdevil, we are the FD
(BOTH)We are the GmiD, We are the DD
(BOTH)We, are, the, D,Bb We, are, the, DF
We are the BD, We are the FD
We, are, the GD,m We, are, the, DD
We are theGmi D, We are the DD
We, are, the, D,Bb We, are, the, DF
We are the BD, We are the FD
We, are, the GD,m We, are, the, DD (Go nutz from here :D )
We, are, the, D,Bb We, are, the, DF
We are the BD, We are the FD
We, are, the GD,m We, are, the, DD
We are theGmi D, We are the DD
We, are, the, D,Bb We, are, the, DF End on G
We are the BD, We are the F, End, on, GD
I hope you liked my tab, I'm pretty sure about it! If you like, please rate it :D If you
any corrections or just want to tell me something write me: h.low@web.de
Rest of the song will come soon (i hope)
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