Iron Maiden

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Iron Maiden

Fanúšikov: 1


Iron Maiden - Mother Of Mercy
Iron Maiden - Mother Of Mercy



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Sitting, waiting in the falling rain.
Getting ready to begin again.
Wounded, lying, crying bodies moving, dying.
All around there is the smell of death and fire.
Hear, the planes are coming.
Hear the soldiers running.
Killing on a scale to comprehend.

Why are we here in this place, here to kill?
Please, God, forgive us for what we have done.

I always thought I was doing right.
As of now, I’m not feeling so sure.
I’m at a place of wear, I give no grace.
I’m a soldier of war.

I sit waiting for my darkest hour to come.
I cannot think of all the things that I have done.
It shouldn’t take a fool to see that I believe.
Accept the consequence, repent for what I’ve done.

You tell me what is certain but I’ll tell you what is true.
You tell me what is honesty when all around is death and cruelty.
I’m making out, my mind is vile, I’m giving in to our desires.
Within the truth that lies within the only thing.

Mother of mercy, angel of death, desire.
Mother of mercy taking my last breath, the fire.
Mother of mercy, angel of pain.
Mother of mercy taking my last breath.

Some say you are a lost cause, some say you are a saint.
Just being here’s a night, just suffering and restraint.
Walked down a long dark road to ruin, panic not.
I’ll die alone and death for villain’s certain not.

Rivers flow with blood, there’s nowhere left to hide.
It’s hard to comprehend there’s anyone left alive.
Sick of all that killing and the weak of death.
Well, God, tell me what religion is to man.

I don’t hold with bad religion, understand what’s underneath it.
Now I’ve come to think of it, I just don’t hold out, all you know it.
You say you are a holy man but what is it you do.
Of where I stand there’s nothing, but a hollow man I see.

Mother of mercy, angel of death, desire.
Mother of mercy taking my last breath, the fire.
Mother of mercy, angel of pain.
Mother of mercy taking my last breath.

Mother of mercy, angel of death, desire.
Mother of mercy taking my last breath, the fire.
Mother of mercy, angel of pain.
Mother of mercy, throwing my last breath.

I’m just a lonely soldier fighting in a bloody hopeless war.
Don’t know what I’m fighting, who it is, or what I’m fighting for.
Thought it was for money. Made my fortune, now I’m not so sure.
Seemed to just have lost my way.

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