Filmová Hudba Zahraničná - Gummi Bears Filmová Hudba Zahraničná - Gummi Bears | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
1. CDashing and Gdaring, couFrageous and Ccaring,
FFaithful and Cfriendly, with Gstories to share.
CAll through the Gforest, they Fsing out in Cchorus,
FMarching along, as their Gsong fills the air.
R1: CGummi Bears,
GBouncing here and there and Amieverywhere.
CHigh adventure that's beyFond compare,
GThey are the Gummi CBears.
2. Magic and mystery, are part of their history,
Along with the secret, of gummiberry juice.
Their legend is growing, they take pride in knowing,
They'll fight for what's right, in whatever they do.
R2: CGummi Bears,
GBouncing here and there and Amieverywhere.
CHigh adventure that's beyFond compare,
GThey are the Gummi CBears,
GThey are the Gummi CBears.
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